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I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa): 10 risultati trovati

Tutte le fiere in I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa)

Vietnam's Most Comprehensive Sourcing Platform for Industrial Parts and Components The easiest and most effective way to meet buyers of your parts and components or your future subcontractors in Vietnam is this. "Industrial Components & Subcontracting Vietnam". Organized in Hanoi and HCMC, in co-location with manufacturing technology exhibitions that are popular among Vietnamese industrialists, each ICSV show in each city will bring 10,000+ quality buyers to you.
Vietnam's Leading Exhibition on Machine Tools, Technologies, and Automation for Mold & Die, Auto Parts, and Plastics Packaging Registered as Hanoi's highly-anticipated international exhibition on mold making and plastics manufacturing industries, "VME" Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2017 will be your effective marketing tools to tap the market, ride the opportunity in this promising market and optimize your presence to over 10,000 Vietnamese industrialists. Your future buyer and partners will be wai
Registered as Hanoi's highly-anticipated international exhibition on mold making and plastics manufacturing industries, "VME" Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2017 will be your effective marketing tools to tap the market, ride the opportunity in this promising market and optimize your presence to over 10,000 Vietnamese industrialists.
Launched exclusively for the sheet metal industry in VIETNAM SHEET METAL 2016 will attract over 10,000 production specialists, buyers, designers and quality controllers from key industries and emerging sectors such as construction, electronics and motorcycle parts.
Vietnam's Only Sheet Metal Fabrication Technology and Machinery Exhibition Launched exclusively for the sheet metal industry in VIETNAM SHEET METAL 2016 will attract over 10,000 production specialists, buyers, designers and quality controllers from key industries and emerging sectors such as construction, electronics and motorcycle parts. Its exhibition profile encompasses all core sectors of the sheet metal working process presented by over 200 brands from 20 countries. Come forge out new possi
Vietnam's Most Comprehensive Sourcing Platform for Industrial Parts and Components The easiest and most effective way to meet buyers of your parts and components or your future subcontractors in Vietnam is this. "Industrial Components & Subcontracting Vietnam". Organized in Hanoi and HCMC, in co-location with manufacturing technology exhibitions that are popular among Vietnamese industrialists, each ICSV show in each city will bring 10,000+ quality buyers to you.
Vietnam's Leading Exhibition on Machine Tools, Technologies, and Automation for Mold & Die, Auto Parts, and Plastics Packaging Registered as Hanoi's highly-anticipated international exhibition on mold making and plastics manufacturing industries, "VME" Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2017 will be your effective marketing tools to tap the market, ride the opportunity in this promising market and optimize your presence to over 10,000 Vietnamese industrialists. Your future buyer and partners will be wai
Registered as Hanoi's highly-anticipated international exhibition on mold making and plastics manufacturing industries, "VME" Vietnam Manufacturing Expo 2017 will be your effective marketing tools to tap the market, ride the opportunity in this promising market and optimize your presence to over 10,000 Vietnamese industrialists.
Launched exclusively for the sheet metal industry in VIETNAM SHEET METAL 2016 will attract over 10,000 production specialists, buyers, designers and quality controllers from key industries and emerging sectors such as construction, electronics and motorcycle parts.
Vietnam's Only Sheet Metal Fabrication Technology and Machinery Exhibition Launched exclusively for the sheet metal industry in VIETNAM SHEET METAL 2016 will attract over 10,000 production specialists, buyers, designers and quality controllers from key industries and emerging sectors such as construction, electronics and motorcycle parts. Its exhibition profile encompasses all core sectors of the sheet metal working process presented by over 200 brands from 20 countries. Come forge out new possi

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