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Events Industry Alliance responds to Business and Trade Committee inquiry

The cross-party committee of MPs is using the inquiry to examine how well equipped the UK is to achieve the Government’s target of £1tn exports by 2030. It will also consider how the UK can take advantage of export opportunities in emerging technologies and critical international supply chains. What the body said The EIA’s response offered an introduction to the business events sector and outlined the ways in which the industry is “a British success story” fuelling travel, tourism and hospitality whilst acting as a catalyst for growth by bringing together investors, innovators and customers from around the world. The response featured more detailed insight into the opportunities for growth that already exist due to the large number of trade shows that cover key policy areas of interest to UK policymakers. The EIA also used this as an opportunity to attend to the difficulties the industry has faced when trying to galvanise government recognition and support for the industry. EIA director Chris Skeith (pictured) said: “The EIA is in the privileged position to represent businesses across the industry from world-class venues to organisers hosting high profile shows across key business sectors and the crucial accredited suppliers that service them. “We were glad to have an opportunity to reiterate the importance of the industry to the Business and Trade Committee and emphasise the huge potential it has to contribute positively to the Government’s aim to reach £1tn worth of exports.”
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01/08/2023 Fonte:

Prossime fiere in calendario
Industria lavorazione legno
Elettronica, Elettrotecnica
Industria lavorazione legno
Agricoltura, Tabacco
Beverage, Vini, Liquori, Birra
Sao Paulo
Edilizia, Costruzioni e Architettura
Attrezzatura e servizi per il commercio e l'industria
Ho chi Minh
Informatica dati industriali
Sport, Animali
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