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IBTM World unveils 2023 theme

IBTM World 2023 will include new and improved elements, such as:

A new education programme: with five distinct feature areas all serving different needs (the Main Stage, the Impact Stage, Workplace Revolution, ReFuel and the Associations Leaders’ Forum), with the show’s cultural theme embedded into each pillar.

The Impact Stage: showcasing the work that destinations, hotels, and tech suppliers are doing across sustainability, DEI, and experience design. Destination sessions will be curated by The Business Of Events.

Workplace revolution: a welcoming space where attendees can make the valuable connections and continue conversations with speakers.

ReFuel: a wellbeing hub made of a ‘zen-like pod’, allowing attendees time to relax and recharge. The space will also include a wellbeing bar, sound and aromatherapy healing and solo working area.

The Association Leaders’ Forum (ALF): will be back on day one to help associations increase the impact of their gatherings around the globe and overcome challenges to achieve success in 2024 and beyond.

The Main Stage: remains a fixture of the IBTM World Programme. New to the Main Stage this year will be an afternoon of marketing content, curated in partnership with The Thought Partnership.

David Thompson, event director, IBTM World, said: “Business events can be a profound force for change; both economic and social. Events have the power to bring better business results and drive forward agendas around important initiatives.

“Events are also a place to build communities and create vibrant and positive cultures which are sorely missing from modern working. This year, we’re on a mission to show business the true power of events and shine a spotlight on the #culturecreators who run them.”

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31/07/2023 Fonte:

Prossime fiere in calendario
Logistica, Trasporti, Packaging
Abbigliamento, Calzature, Moda, Pelli, Pelletteria, Tessile
Attrezzatura e servizi per il commercio e l'industria
Industria alimentare, Catering, Industria dell'ospitalità
Industria lavorazione legno
Industria lavorazione legno
Elettronica, Elettrotecnica
Ho chi Minh
Tecniche e macchine di processo
Sanità e Farmaceutica
Elettronica, Elettrotecnica
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