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The Bao’an Industry Development Expo 2018,held by People’s Government of Shenzhen Bao’an District, will take place at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center on 26-28 July 2018. With more than 10 exhibition areas, including intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, new material and new energy, artificial intelligence, laser technology & equipment etc., B-Expo 2018 is going to display excellent enterprises that lead and support “intelligence manufacturing in Bao’ an” and those with technological innovation achievements. A series of activities will be held at the same time, such as summit forum “The Third Bao’an Industry Transformation and Upgrading Summit Forum”, thematic salons, new product launch, matching making meetings and so on. Visitor registration:
Shenzhen, China Più dettagli More info.
Capital: Beijing | Area: 9,640,821 sq km | Population: 1,345,751,000 | Voltage: 110/220V | Language: Mandarin, Chinese Dialects | Currency: Renminbi Yuan (CNY) 1.00 = 10 Jiao | IDD: +86 | Time: GMT +06:00 to 08:00
Shenzhen International Convention & Exhibition Center Più dettagli More info.
Indirizzo: Center Road 3 Fuhua District Futian Shenzhen
Città: Shenzhen
Nazione: China
Telefono: +86 0755-82848800
Fax: +86 0755-82848900
Luglio, annuale

Settori Correlati

• Elettronica, Elettrotecnica
• Chimica, Energia, Materiali, Plastica, Gomma
• Attrezzatura e servizi per il commercio e l'industria


Shenzhen Logistics and Supply Chain Management Association Più dettagli More info.
Indirizzo: 6F, Internet Financial Industrial Park, No. 1 Taohua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen Guangdon
Città: Shenzhen
Nazione: China
Sito :
Telefono: 0755 25316605
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Prossime fiere in calendario
Sao Paulo
Industria lavorazione legno
Mexico City
Industria alimentare, Catering, Industria dell'ospitalità
Edilizia, Costruzioni e Architettura
Industria alimentare, Catering, Industria dell'ospitalità
Sao Paulo
Industria alimentare, Catering, Industria dell'ospitalità
Sao Paulo
Informatica dati industriali
Beverage, Vini, Liquori, Birra
Tecniche e macchine di processo
Riciclaggio, Gestione dei rifiuti, Protezione ambientale
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