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EN launches Event Networking Pass

The EN Networking Pass is particularly aimed at those new to the industry who may be nervous about buying marketing solutions.

Available to buy now for £995, the pass provides an opportunity to forge new connections with different types of organisers, spanning across the global exhibition and conference sectors.

The pass is spread across five events throughout the second half of the year – the EN Indys (15 September), International Confex Summer Party (TBC September), EN Marketing Awards & Conference (8 December), International Confex (28-29 February) and the EN Awards (29 March).

What’s included?

The EN Networking Pass provides full access to all the below at every EN event:

All conference sessions (conferences) Lunch and refreshments (conferences) Dinner and entertainment Drinks reception After-party Event attractions and networking zones

EN portfolio director Max Agostini said: “As the holders of so many events across the exhibition industry, we’re always trying to find new ways to allow for more budding event companies to throw themselves into our schedule.

“The backlash from Covid is still affecting the supply chain in all sorts of ways, so hopefully our networking passes provide the opportunity for these companies to stay active in our marketplace without bearing any risk on cost.”

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01/08/2023 Fonte:

Prossime fiere in calendario
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Abbigliamento, Calzature, Moda, Pelli, Pelletteria, Tessile
Beverage, Vini, Liquori, Birra
Edilizia, Costruzioni e Architettura
Abbigliamento, Calzature, Moda, Pelli, Pelletteria, Tessile
Elettronica, Elettrotecnica
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Turismo, Leisure, Viaggi, Famiglia
Decorazione, Interior design, Illuminazione, Arredamento
Agricoltura, Tabacco
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